Earth Explorers

File name EarthExplorers.xml
# Date Notes
47 09/06/2024 Updated EARTHCARE configuration with the address for TLE updates
46 30/05/2024 Added EARTHCARE after its recent launch 2024-101
45 04/08/2023 Removed AEOLUS after its recent decay
44 31/05/2023 FLEX orbit has been update to be slaved to Sentinel-3B orbit, with an ahead shift of 10 seconds
43 01/03/2023 Updated EarthCare sensor geometries
42 29/10/2021 Modified attitude settings to ensure Cryosat-2 is configured with ZPointing = LOCAL NORMAL and no Yaw Steering
41 25/05/2021

Added new BIOMASS 3D model

40 28/04/2021

Modified BIOMASS to look to LEFT side of track

Modified FLEX with updated sensor constraints, Yaw Steering, and 180 seconds framing

39 26/10/2020

Added FLEX satellite

Added 3D model for FLEX

38 23/07/2020 Updated Biomass orbit and configuration
37 24/08/2018 Updated AEOLUS orbit after its recent launch
36 04/12/2017 Updated AEOLUS orbit and sensors
35 05/03/2017 Updated Biomass and AEOLUS orbits and sensor geometries
34 02/08/2014 Added Biomass
33 23/7/2014 TLE update web address has been updated with a Taitus alias, friendlier to some firewall settings
32 7/5/2014

Modified TLE source addresses

Update of TLEs

30 31/3/2014

Update for change in sensor format.

SWARM constellation updated to account for the recent launch

29 11/11/2013 Removed GOCE due to end of mission
28 08/10/2013 Update to fix problem with previous file which contained only SMOS satellite
27 15/09/2013 Removed old orbit files for Cryosat and SMOS
26 26/03/2012

Fixed EarthCare orbit to account for 14:00:00 Local Time at Descending Node

25 01/11/2012

Cryosat-2 SIRAL instrument is now split in two different sensors, Nominal and Wide

24 29/06/2012

Added Reference Orbit Event File for SMOS, covering the period 2009 - 1st July 2012.

New Crysosat Reference Orbit Event File verison (1.1) for the period 2012-2013

23 07/06/2012

Added missing Cryosat Reference Orbit Event File for the period 2011 - 2012

22 06/06/2012

Added Cryosat Reference Orbit Event Files

21 30/05/2012

Added EarthCARE and its four instruments (ATLIB, CPR, MSI and BBR)

20 09/05/2012

Instrument bit rates have been configured on all sensors

19 23/05/2011

Added Swarm constellation. The orbit parameters have been estimated from information in the ESA EO portal. Swarm satellite 3D Models have been made also available.

18 09/05/2011

All satellites with Sun Synchronous orbits have been modified to host also a pure Two Line Element orbit to allow comparing predictions.

TLE source has been modified for all satellites to be fed from Taitus web site which provides updates every 6 hours directly fed from Space Track (

SMOS is now configured in Sun Synchronous orbit, with a 18/259 repeat cycle / cycle length.

Updated TLE orbit parameters with latest predictions.

16 25/01/2011

Format modification with new Attitude section under each satellite, declaring the Yaw Steering state.

Updated TLE orbit parameters with latest predictions.

15 26/11/2010

Updated TLE orbit parameters with latest predictions.

14 16/10/2010

SMOS swath is now configured with two additional MIRAS_P and MIRAS_Q sensor geometries, based on a pushbroom model to allow for quick intersection analysis. The previous P and Q sensors based on "swath file" have been removed.

Updated TLE orbit parameters with latest predictions.

13 08/10/2010

Updated TLE orbit parameters with latest predictions.

12 28/09/2010

Updated TLE orbit parameters with latest predictions.


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